Mr. Shailendra Kasera


Mr. Shailendra Kasera


Mr. Shailendra Kasera is presently Director of Incube Sustainability Pvt Ltd, Jaipur. He deals with the Consultancy, Audit, Design, Research and Education.  He is CII GreenCo Facilitator, IGBC AP, Griha CP, LEED GA and GEM CP.  He has over 15 years of experience in both academia and industry. Formation of ASHRAE Rajasthan Chapter in 2020 with the help of both India Chapter and Rajasthan Chapter members goes to his credit.  He is also the member of CII, IGBC, RATA, ISHRAE and RATA.

He is past president of ASHRAE Rajasthan Chapter (2022-23) and ASHRAE Jaipur Section (2019-20). He is member of ASHRAE since 2015 and served the ASHRAE India Chapter as Research Promotion, Chair; Student Activity, Co-Chair. He is the first receipt of ASHRAE undergraduate programs equipment grant of worth 5000 USD for ASHRAE India Chapter.